SAVE THE DATE | 3rd June 2025

d.velop summit Partner Day

A day full of inspiring success stories, exciting presentations, concentrated expert knowledge, and plenty of time for personal interaction within the partner network awaits us.

d.velop summit 2025
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Partner awards

Successful together.

The Partner Day is the perfect start to the d.velop summit. Our partners come together to gain valuable insights into the latest developments in digitalisation and to exchange best practices. Exciting keynotes and inspiring networking sessions will shape the day. It will take place next year on 3rd June 2025.

Voices from the partner network
  • It's great to meet so many people and see them together, and that's also what characterizes the d.velop partner network.

    Daniel Braden
    CCO / CMO
    COUNT IT Group
  • You get a deep insight into all products and you have the opportunity to exchange ideas with people with whom you would otherwise only have remote contact.

    Klaus Elser
    ECM Consultant
    XALAX GmbH
  • There is not a year in which I have not participated in the d.velop summit Partner Day, formerly d.velop partner summit, and we have been part of the d.velop competence network for seventeen years.

    Simeon Zimmermann
    adeon AG